October 9, 2023 - June 19, 2024 |
Miracle was born on October 9, 2023 and was the “runt” of the litter. Not long after his birth, we noticed symptoms of FKS and spent our days taking care of him; warming him, syringe feeding him, and loving on him back to health. Surprisingly, Miracle beat the odds against him and was a fighter. He was a survivor! He lived a full life with his favorite humans and blessed our family with his unconditional love for 8 months. Miracle loved eating, playing, and sleeping; but most of all, he loved receiving endless cuddles and kisses. In a sense, he was just like a baby and was treated with such love, care, and nurture. While he may have been considered the “runt”, he left an imprint on our hearts for an entire lifetime to come. Miracle was as cute as a button and just like what his name says… he was truly a miracle from God up above. He was loved deeply and will forever be missed. Rest in Heaven, my sweet Miracle baby. We love you! [Miracle was cremated on June 20, 2024 at the Dogwood Animal Hospital located in Fayetteville, NC.] |