Winston “Winsty,” “ Winsty the Pooh,” “Geoffrey,” “Diesel,” “Peach,” “Honeybear” Moulder passed to his celestial rest on February 24, 2025, just shy of his 19th birthday (90 in cat years). The son of Lucy the tabby and probably a raccoon, Winston was the feistiest and orangest of four kittens. He is survived by his doting human family/staff and was predeceased by his Labrador buddy, Max.
Winston lived every day to the fullest and ate every meal like it was his last. He played professional hockey and soccer for most of his life, always as goalie, retiring in 2000 after a bout with bone cancer took one of his front legs. He also worked doing nighttime squirrel patrol throughout his life. Winston loved taking long supervised walks around his garden and pond, zooming down the steps and onto a windowsill at 4 am, eating grass, drinking from the sink, chasing a laser pointer, riding around in produce boxes, and taking long naps in sunny places. He had a large collection of neckties and bowties that he sported for various occasions. An avid lover of the finer things, Winston enjoyed listening to classical music, Jack Johnson, and watching British period dramas. He loved Jeopardy! and made sure the TV was turned on every night promptly at 7 pm. Winston’s first book, “How to Get Your Way 100% of the Time,” was an instant bestseller, as was its sequel, “Just Because It’s 3am Doesn’t Mean I Shouldn’t Be Eating.” Throughout the last five years of his life, Winston became an expert traveler, frequently making the trip to visit his family home. He also became a full-time lap sitter, alternating between Anne and Becky’s desks, joining all of their Zoom meetings, and learning all of their passwords. Winston was passionate, loyal, social, and hilariously funny. He brought a tremendous amount of joy and love to his family and will be greatly missed. In lieu of flowers, please give any cats near you all the Hartz Delectable SqueezeUp treats.