
Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer Notice for counseling services provided by Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling, aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and/or Pet Heaven Memorial.

The information obtained and contained within counseling services provided by Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, is not a substitute for professional mental or physical health intervention or services. The counseling services provided by Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling, and Pet Heaven Memorial, does not constitute legal or medical advice neither is it intended to be. Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals, not for a pet bereavement counselor.

Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof, are your own. Under no circumstances can you or others hold Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, liable for any actions you take or do not take due to your association with Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial.

You agree not to hold Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, liable for any cost incurred by you, or any others, because of sessions with, materials or models of counseling used, education or coaching offered by Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial.

Information shown on the social media, websites, and within counseling sessions of Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, is intended to be general information with respect to common life experience of death and grieving. Information is offered in good faith for your consideration.

You shall indemnify Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, and their associates, in the event of any claims, including but not limited to any claims made by any person related or associated with you. Nothing in the content materials, on social media, websites, or discussed in private sessions with Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, shall be considered a final judgement on current or future behavior or decisions made by you.

Rates are subject to change with a 30-day notice. Cancelation or termination of contracted services is subject to 30-days’ notice applicable to both parties. Any monies owed to Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, will be due in full upon cancelation or termination of counseling services.

Payment for counseling services is due in full and payable at the beginning of the counseling session. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Rainbow Bridge Counseling, RMO Counseling aka, Roseanne Olszewski, MA, and Pet Heaven Memorial, reserve the right to refuse counseling service if such service is determined to be a detriment to the mental or physical health of the client and or the counselors.

Results are not guaranteed.

All information shared to facilitate financial compensation for counseling sessions is confidential.

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