Pet Heaven Memorials
Memorials » Banditt Ruggiero
Banditt Ruggiero
March 9, 2011 – September 5, 2023
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Vet Services Prepared By Fischbach, Gerald S DVM – Pet Shield Vet
2033 Foxon Rd East Haven, CT Branford Connecticut
*Send this memorial page to Fischbach, Gerald S DVM – Pet Shield Vet and let them know they can manage their memorials This is a FREE memorial, memorialize Banditt. Give the gift of a premium memorial by upgrading below. Upgrading to premium, allows more photos, with a gallery slide show, and your choice of a theme! increases the written memorial to 1,000 words. The Pet owner will be notified of your gift.
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A month and a half ago my dog started taking seizures, he got medicine and it worked until it didn’t. He took his final one on September 5th 2023. He was a fighter throughout all of it. He was a licker and lover. I love you so much. R.I.P BandittGuestbook
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