
Pet Heaven Memorials


Memorials » Christian Mason

Christian Viewed 370 times

Christian Mason

May 16, 2020 – November 14, 2020

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Christian was a loving cat. Always wanted to play and always wanted to snuggle. He often helped his momma out during panic attacks and when she was crying because daddy was away working. He was often found laying on the bed or on the couch. But he was also a ninja. He hid very good to where you couldn’t find him unless he came out. He never slept without his mom. On his last day, they took one final nap together before an Angel came and called him home. Four months was not long enough but his mom is very blessed with what time she got with him. I know his daddy was too. His daddy didn’t like cats very much but he loved Christian with his whole heart. You are missed everyday baby. I carry you with me everywhere.


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